Month: January 2023

The war is decided in the heavens


1/23/2023 Isaiah 28:1-6: “Strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate.” Psalms 23 The battle has been raging over the nations, many are being weighed in the balance and found wanting. (Daniel 5: 27) God’s hand of justice and judgment has come. He is getting his sword ready to release his righteous…
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January 23, 2023 0

Set Captives Free

1/13/2023 – 3:30AM The spoken word of God brings revelation light that will set captives free. You are my light bearer. As you go out keep your eyes and ears open to see and hear what My Spirit is saying and how My Father is working. You will begin to receive specific revelation from the…
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January 13, 2023 0

Speak in Faith

1/4/2023 I heard another prophet speak this: The fig tree withered at Jesus word. Have faith in God! God kind of faith that spoke the world into existence. Your spoken words are what makes things happen. In 2023, your spoken words will manifest into what you speak in faith. Mark 11:22-24

January 4, 2023 0

Shine My Light

1/3/2023 Many are confused and bewildered and are unable to see or understand what is taking place, but I am coming to shine My victorious light on the scene. My light that will separate and expose the light from the darkness, truth from lies. Those who are floundering and confused and demonically oppressed will come…
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January 3, 2023 0