Tag: nations

The war is decided in the heavens

The Raging in Our Hearts vs The Good Plan

The war is raging, The media would have us believe it is between nations. That is only a manifestation of the true war – it is in each and every human’s heart and mind.  The war is in our hearts first. What do we believe about God? Indeed, Jesus, the Anointed One of Heaven and…
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October 28, 2023 0


1/23/2023 Isaiah 28:1-6: “Strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate.” Psalms 23 The battle has been raging over the nations, many are being weighed in the balance and found wanting. (Daniel 5: 27) God’s hand of justice and judgment has come. He is getting his sword ready to release his righteous…
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January 23, 2023 0