Tag: 2023

The war is decided in the heavens

Arise and Go Forth

9/5/2023 Rise, oh sleeper, rise up!! This is your moment! You have prepared yourselves for this alarmcall. You have trimmed your lamps and prepared your flasks with oil and readied yourself forthis moment. Now arise and go forth. You who carry the vessels of God, go forth to serve Him inyour new positions of power…
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September 5, 2023 0

September 2023- Prepare for Shaking, but Don’t Get Shook!

9/5/2023 The prophets have been giving us powerful prophetic revelation over the past three months.June, July and August were a season of preparation for a great shaking. Hebrews 12:26-27 TPT“Once and for all I will not only shake the systems of the world, but also the unseen powers inthe heavenly realm! Now this phrase, “once…
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September 5, 2023 0

Decree: Changing of the Guard

9/5/2023 I decree there is a changing of the guard happening even now in California, Hawaii, Oregon andWashington state. I call for the host of angel armies who have charge over these four states to activate and go toyour assignments. It is time for the uproot to be removed! The trash is to be taken…
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September 5, 2023 0

Living Stones

8/28/2023 My church, the Ekklessia, united as living stones will be a mighty fortress which no foe canwithstand. Together this house will sustain any storm or shakings from heaven or earth. Noweapon formed against you will prosper. The synergy and expediential strength and power ofMy anointed and empowered Ekklessia is a force that cannot be…
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August 28, 2023 0

Scrolls and Blueprints

8/28/2023 Remember My ways are higher than yours and My thoughts beyond your limited ability tounderstand, but if you will trust Me with your whole heart and mind, I will deliver you and bringyou safely through this storm to the freedom you have contended for. I have seen everythingand I have recorded your faithfulness and…
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August 28, 2023 0

Wake Up! Justice and Retribution

8/27/2023 Wake up, wake up, wake up your redemption is coming!!! I am in my justice and retributionmode. I am showing My arm of righteous justice. No man can match or contend with Me whenMy judgements are met with My redemptive work at the cross. When the bowls are full and Mypeople have repented, and…
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August 27, 2023 0


3/19/2023 Community is where two or three are gathered in My name. I’m changing the church modelbecause it has become only a religious club house. It’s a feel-good for a moment place whereChristians pay their dues, exchange a few smiles, hear a few inspiring words, but their lives arenot challenged to change or move into…
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March 19, 2023 0


2/12/2023 To reform something you don’t start over from scratch. God made it good and perfect to beginwith. To reform it means you go back to the drawing board and look at the original design andpurpose, discover where, why and what went wrong, then make the corrections necessary,resetting policies and principles that will uphold and…
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February 12, 2023 0

This is what you are birthing!

2/06/2023 This word came as a response to the idea of building community hubs and small groups for equipping the body of Christ in kingdom building. This is what you are birthing! This is my heart! You have hit the win button!! This is how you will win the war.  Not by fighting and bearing…
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February 6, 2023 0


1/23/2023 Isaiah 28:1-6: “Strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate.” Psalms 23 The battle has been raging over the nations, many are being weighed in the balance and found wanting. (Daniel 5: 27) God’s hand of justice and judgment has come. He is getting his sword ready to release his righteous…
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January 23, 2023 0