Tag: new

The war is decided in the heavens

Arise and Go Forth

9/5/2023 Rise, oh sleeper, rise up!! This is your moment! You have prepared yourselves for this alarmcall. You have trimmed your lamps and prepared your flasks with oil and readied yourself forthis moment. Now arise and go forth. You who carry the vessels of God, go forth to serve Him inyour new positions of power…
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September 5, 2023 0

Decree: Changing of the Guard

9/5/2023 I decree there is a changing of the guard happening even now in California, Hawaii, Oregon andWashington state. I call for the host of angel armies who have charge over these four states to activate and go toyour assignments. It is time for the uproot to be removed! The trash is to be taken…
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September 5, 2023 0