Wake Up! Justice and Retribution

The war is decided in the heavens

Wake Up! Justice and Retribution

August 27, 2023 Prophetic Words 0


Wake up, wake up, wake up your redemption is coming!!! I am in my justice and retribution
mode. I am showing My arm of righteous justice. No man can match or contend with Me when
My judgements are met with My redemptive work at the cross. When the bowls are full and My
people have repented, and turned from their wicked ways, even a small remnant, I hear and I
see. It has been recorded in the courts of heaven. I have watched, I have seen My blood bought
saints crying out to Me and now going out with action of their repentance to paint their borders
and secure their territory, taking dominion in My name. I have seen and I have heard and I am
now ready to reveal My righteous right arm of judgement and justice for the world to see. My
fury is kindled in the hot anger of My wrath against the evil that has manifested over your land
and across the earth. As you behold My hand of judgement dropping upon your land, you must
not fear, for My justice brings the freedom you are asking Me for. Cling to Me and encourage
one another in your most holy faith for I will keep you and sustain you through this storm. It will
be vicious and will be traumatic as it must dislodge the demonic systems and strongholds which
are deeply embedded in your land and in the culture of the people. This will go deep into the
heart and soul of those who have forgotten or have never heard of My righteous love. Love is
the greatest element of power in existence. There is no evil power that even comes close to the
power of My love. This is what compels Me, Your God to act on your behalf. I came to your
world to reveal My Father’s love as the sacrificial Lamb and now I will once again appear as the
triumphant Lion of Judah. There is no match for My love and the fury of My righteous
indignation when it is released upon the wicked. Brace yourselves for this encounter and run
into the shelter of Psalms 91, under the loving protection of your God, for He is gracious and
merciful to all who repent and humble themselves to receive His love and forgiveness. He will
be your refuge from the storm.

John 14: 1-14 TPT
“Don’t worry or surrender to your fear. For you’ve believed in God, now trust and believe in Me